Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whither the Individual

            In terms of the social sites that we use in todays web based society, I believe that they are both enhancing and hindering our true identities and potential as human beings.  The use of these sites allow for instant communication to millions of individuals all over the world.  On the other hand, some people believe that our society and young individuals are beginning to hide behind a computer screen and a user profile rather than conventional face to face interactions.  Both the positives and negatives of this increasingly cyber world and expanding user personalities are portrayed in the documentary  "digital nation."
          In the documentary "digital nation" by David Rushkoff and Rachel Dreztin, they look into specific web based programs and observe and study the effects on the individuals while using these programs.  They look into programs such as second life, world of warcraft, military gaming, and children being subjected to a virtual world. 

          I believe that second life is a fun and educational way to meet new people and gain new experiences.  I say this because while in second life people may approach others that they would not normally approach in real life.  Its a kind of place where people are more willing and comfortable just being themselves and maybe to try new things. 

          World of Warcraft on the other hand seemed to be less beneficial as users sometimes become addicted to gameplay and eventually it takes over their life.  As we saw in digital nation with the young boy rushing through his dinner just to get back to his beloved game.  I believe they said that particular boy played up to 10 hours a day and sometimes would stay up all night playing.  I had a friend in high school that was very similar to the boy we saw in the documentary.  Basically, the game took over his life, literally!

         One of the best selling video games out right now is the new call of duty game.  This is a highly realistic and addictive game.  The U.S army built a center where people of all ages can come and play the game 24 hours a day.  Some people are outraged at this because they are comparing a video game to actual warfare in an attempt to recruit these war hungry individuals.  I believe that it is not ethical for the army to recruit these people on the basis that they enjoy a game.  I believe games should be separate from reality.  Especially when it comes to war.

        One of the biggest problems I had with the documentary was when they put the young children in a virtual world at seaworld and made them believe they were actually there.  After being subjected to the virtual world, the children were brought back in a week later for some questioning.  They were asked whether they had been to seaworld and the children responded by telling them that they do in fact remember visiting the animals.  I believe that this study was morally wrong and studies like this should not be lawful in the future because your messing with a young growing mind.

       I believe these sites, games, and studies allow people to be something they are not but wish they could be in the real world.  It gives them a chance to meet new people and gain new experiences as well as portray who they actually are on sites like facebook.  Furthermore, I believe these sites and games can be both good and bad for the user.  It can allow them to go outside the realm of their everyday life but at the same time when does it become dangerously real to the user?  I believe it becomes too real when the game or site begins to deprive your actual daily life.  Basically, I believe the user has a problem when it is affecting their studies, health, and or job responsibilities.


  1. I would agree with you that video games is far from reality and agree that the military training facility mentioned in the movie was wrong. In these video games who are allowed any many lives as u need to complete the mission and after being shot once you can still move and shoot, and then even recover from being shot. In the real world first off you don't get a second chance. If you die there is no coming back and secondly if you get shot most likely you will not be able to recover that quickly let alone walk around.
    I would absolutely agree with you that these sites and games allow people to be something that they are not. I fully support the use of these type of sites and agree with u that they are an great way to meet new people and socialize. I must agree that when they o take over someone's life so much that they become actually addicted to these sites or games then it is too much.

  2. Jonathan, I share similar feelings about the Army using call of duty as a recruting tool. Video games are a different world and to compare it to real war is outrageous and makes light of a dangerous situation. Kids who enroll in the army based on video game recruting may be doing so without a real sense of what a huge commitment they are making.

  3. First, I love COD. I think its a fantastic game, with great entertainment value, but I am strongly in disagreement with the military using it as a recruiting tool. I think it's somewhat hypocritical for the military to have a video game as a recruiting tool and then attempt to show concern for drone operators who may get PTSD. They foster this kind of environment by recruiting young kids with the a false reality, then they use similar interfaces and give them live ammo and expect them to separate what they are doing from a game.

  4. I like how you took a stand that laid somewhere in the middle. I responded to this question as well and i had a hard time disagreeing or agreeing with how i feel about these social media sites. Also, i think how you talked about specific parts of Digital Nation made me aware that we did happen to look at alot of extreme cases of addicted people, and that there are many more who don't abuse the internet and other gaming devices.
