Thursday, March 10, 2011

Andrew Keen Questions

1.        Andrew keen is not very fond of Democratized media and the effects that it has had on our society as a whole.  Keen especially believes that this generation of web 2.0 is destroying the young, creative minds of today's children.  He believes that children are beginning to lose a sense of reality when it comes to playing today's realistic video games.  Keen was also concerned about the effects of web 2.0 on big businesses and the government.  He argues that mankind is slowly losing its creative thinking and becoming more and more reliant on the internet.  An example of a modern deomcratized media would be Wikipedia.  This is essentially a wiki and a encyclopedia combined into one.  The problem with this is that anyone can make adjustments to the content wihout it being credible information.  This can pose a major problem because some people may interpret this information as being accurate just because it is on the internet.  Overall, Andrew Keen seems to be very pesimistic when it comes to the internet.  I believe that as long as it is used in moderation and for the right reasons, the internet can be a worldwide university.

2.        Douglas Rushkoff and Andrew Keen seem to having opposing viewpoints on web 2.0 and its effects on society as a whole.  Rushkoff believes that the internet is a great place where people can interact instantly from all over the globe.  In addition, the internet has increased the flow of information throughout our society and therefore it enables people to learn using a different approach rather than always sitting in a classroom.  On the other hand, Keen believes that people are spending too much time on the web and he believes that people are beginning to become lazy and sometimes even brainwashed bythe webs content.  I believe that we are predominantly a web based society and that this is just another step in the process of human evolution.  I think that Keen and Rushkoff would agree with me when i say that I think just like anything else, everything is ok as long as its in moderation. 

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