Thursday, April 21, 2011

Exit through the gift shop

                 As our society becomes more individualistic, people have found more ways to market themselves and their ideas.  It has become even more difficult to differentiate in today's extremely competitive society.  Therefore, I believe that people must look outside the box of traditional marketing in order to make a name for themselves and get their message across to their audience.  One of the biggest issues with conveying a message is to first make the audience aware of your basic ideas.  This has become easier since the creation of web 2.0, as it allows people to document and share their work to people all over the world.  This presents a potential opportunity to share a message with people of different backgrounds and cultures who may interpret the work differently.  Various interpretations can actually lead to uncovering ideas and messages that the author or artist did not originally intend.  Basically, by sharing your work with people around the world, you can actually learn something that you may not have noticed by yourself.  Essentially, I believe that the internet and web 2.0 is like a global university for students of all disciplines to share ideas and beliefs.  Furthermore, I believe that this is a tremendous opportunity for individuals like Banksy to share their ideas.  Its almost like the entire globe is the artists canvas. 
            The fact that Banksy remains anonomous from his work throughout the documntary suggests two different things to me.  First, I believe that he is so passionate about his work and is so dedicated to spreading his message that he believes puting a face to it would just hinder the message.  Instead, the ar speaks for itself and delivers a message created by the viewers interpretation.  This allows for many different interpretations from people all over the globe.  Maybe Banksy is hoping that his ideas and works inspire others to eventually create their own works.  On the other hand, he might also remain anonomous to prevent from being punished by the law.  Because lets not forget, as nice as Bankys work is, it is considered to be vandalism of private property.  But I actually appreciate that he remains annonomous throughout the documentary.  I thought it gave the documentary a "cool feel."
             I thought that the documentary was very similar to reality television in the manner in which is was recorded and edited.  I thought that they did a very good job making the documentary.  Especially the couple of scenes where Banksy and his camera man were climbing up steep roofs in order to get to the best location.  At one point Banksy was five stories in the air applying his stensils while his camera man was even higher than that just to capture the best shot.  This showed a great deal of dedication and belief about their objectives as artists.
              I believe that the illegality of Bankys work also comes from the viewers eyes.  Some people may see it as destructive vandalism that is polluting citys around the world.  While others may think that it is actually enhancing the look of the cities.  Personally, I believe that everything in moderation is ok, including street art like Bankys.  Overall, as long as long as the street art is not harming anyone or anything, Im ok with it.

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